Friday, December 8, 2017

Documenting our Short Film

1.I am acting and editing in our short film.

2.First we have to write the script, then we practice our scenes and then we film the final project and finish with the editing.

3.The filming because we can record all the behind the scenes footage.

4.We plan to upload it to YouTube on one of our channels.

5. We are really close and only need to finish the recording.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Genius hour project blog Final To-Do list

1. My passion project is half way done. The planning and scripts are finish and the only thing left to do is to act.

2.We have documents of the scripts on our gmail and we will record the footage when we start.

3.We are going to upload our short film onto Dan's YouTube channel.

4.I know we have not done it yet, but the acting will defiantly be the most enjoyable part of the project.

5.No everything seems fairly clear to me on how to get a good grade on the project

(Partners are Dan, Sam and Jason)

Friday, October 27, 2017

My next step results next step was to get more into character. I did this by watching different horror movies and reading my lines on my script

2.It went pretty well, meaning that I now have a better understanding of my character and how I should portray him in the short film.

3. What I would need to do next is to practice my lines and understand what my role is in the whole story

Friday, October 20, 2017

The next step in my passion project

1. My passion project acting for a short film

2. My next step is to get into character for the horror film I'm acting in.

3.What I'm going to do to take my next step is I am going to watch as many horror movies as possible and study the characters acting and try to mimic it to be as good of an actor as I can be because I have done a lot of comedy skits but never horror films.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Jung Typology Test

1. My personality type is ENFP, which stands for extravert, intuitive, feeling and perceiving.
2.I have no preference of perceiving over judging, I prefer feelings over thinking, I have marginal or no preference of extraversion over introversion and I have a distinct preference of intuition over sensing.
3.I mostly agree with my results.
4.Three potential jobs for me are film production, psychology and counseling.
5.One thing I noticed is that in those jobs I am mostly the leader or the person controlling a situation.
6.Three people that have the same personality type as me are Dr. Suess, Will Smith and Bill Cosby. 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Gianni Calzone's Passion Project

I have a lot of interest. So I have a lot of subjects that I could do my project on. One of the subjects I am passionate about is editing. I like making pictures for my friends who need me to make it for them for many different reasons. I also edit pictures a lot just for myself because I enjoy it and it keeps me busy and interested. I also enjoy editing already existing pictures in programs like Photoshop.It is really fun for me and I like the idea of making things from scratch all by myself or editing old pictures and making them my own. I also enjoy acting a lot. Me and some of my close friends have created short films that ,even though they are completely for comedic purposes and not high production value, I am proud. Dan might have a role for me in his short film, so maybe ill participate in that.